Thursday, February 9, 2012

This is why VoLTE is so important for operators ...

This is a video of Gabriel Brown, of Heavy Reading, giving an excellent five-minute primer on Voice over LTE (VoLTE), both on its short-term rollout and its long-term potential as the core of future connectivity networks.

One quote that sums up why VoLTE is so important:
Voice is a critical application, with a lot of revenue. People pick up the phone and want to make calls and want it to work. That's why then need it.


  1. Exellent video, and he was also correct on when the first launches should take place. VoLTE is the essence for the future and to develop voice revenues.
    BR Fredrik

  2. Hi Fredrik, thanks for your comment and for highlighting this video. We will tweet a new link to this page. With VoLTE launching others might benefit from a good primer.
    BR, Voice on Telecom team
